Cat Enright Yoga Therapy

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Because It's Like That, And That's The Way It Is!

Right now, can you name your intention for what you're doing? Why do we do what we do? The heart of most practices is to pay attention. This could be rugby practice, or neurosurgery practice, or Zen meditation. Intention is an anchor to meaning, and we all want life to have meaning. Even Bridget Fonda's character in the film Jackie Brown was clear about this, when she was warned that smoking weed would "rob your ambition", and she said, "Not if your ambition is to get high and watch TV.". Only you get to choose this ambition or intention, and how to crystallize it into habit.

William Stafford's poem, The Way It is, introduces a life-long intention, or thread, that can be a center to which we return again and again. 

There’s a thread you follow. It goes among
things that change. But it doesn’t change.

People wonder about what you are pursuing.
You have to explain about the thread.

But it is hard for others to see.

While you hold it you can’t get lost.

Tragedies happen; people get hurt
or die; and you suffer and get old.

Nothing you do can stop time’s unfolding.
You don’t ever let go of the thread.

Paying attention to small things is my intention, or anchor, these days. My eyes want to see everything, and this world called “small” is sublime. I like to get intimate with plants, and dared to put my eye inside this tulip! I've secretly been investigating these private flower refuges for years, unaware that I could share this delight through photography.

I keep peeking into unusual places, finding ever more wonder. Every exploration leads to more inquiry, multi-layered, and each layer is its own world.

This photo is the inside of my sun hat. I’ve always put my hat over my face when I’m reclined, soaking up the good warmth of the sun. I love to play with one eye open at a time, and notice how my nose becomes a wall between the two.

At this close range, the two eyes show very different views! Also, my eyes have dissimilar abilities, so it’s even more exciting.

Then I decided to try to draw what I’d seen, and discovered vast richness, right here in a very ordinary, chapeau rouge. I needed four colors, a mountain of patience and … my thread, my anchor, my ‘paying attention’ practice. Here’s what happened:

All those lines!

All of the circles,

that aren’t at all round,

but wavy, and who knew

there was a vagina

hiding in my hat?

All these years,

and I missed seeing the way it is.

My exploration took me into the small tide pool by my side. I love the way some creature will scuttle out of my view just as I turn my head, and it begs me to wait, stealthy, yet patient, to behold this shy being.

More and more, I feel like I’ve entered Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears A Who, where the reader realizes that every molecule on the planet is alive, is fascinating, and may want to be know by us.

What is your intention right now? What connects you to life, your life? Hold steadfast to your thread and you will never be lost.